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A note is the analog of an item in a Use it to describe a single change. Add metadata to give context.


issue: 21
date: 2020-04-23
audience: user
type: add
  - cli
version: 0.0.2
# Add `snage lint` command

You can lint all change log notes using:
$ snage lint

Want to see more? Have a look at the Snage notes: ./changelog


1. Metadata

The header of the notes must start with a YAML front matter block. The block starts and ends with a triple-dashed line ---. Inside the block you can set values for fields that are defined inside the Snage config.

This examples uses the config we use for the snage changelog .snage.yaml.

issue: 21
date: 2020-04-23
audience: user
type: add
  - cli
version: 0.0.2


Snage checks metadata for invalid values. See snage lint.

2. Header

After the metadata a markdown header must follow. The header is the summary for the whole change log note.

# Add `snage-lint` command

3. Content

The optional content should describe the change in more detail. If present, content and header must be separated by an empty line.

# Add `snage lint` command

You can lint all change log notes using:
$ snage lint
The content will be interpreted as markdown.

Best Practices

  • Use active language ("Use ABC to configure feature X" instead of "Feature X can be configured using ABC")
  • Use present tense ("Remove support for ..." instead of "Removed support for ...")
  • Don't exceed 80 characters in the header