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Queries are highly dependent on your field config, everything here is an example and must be adjusted to your config.

The examples below use our Snage config .snage.yaml

You can query for all notes belonging to a specific version

version = 0.0.7

Try it out

or for all notes newer than a specific version

version > 0.0.7

Try it out

If you want to find all notes between two different versions you have to use the and operator to combine two conditions

version >= 1.2.7 and version < 2.0.0

Try it out


A simple note query consists either of a field name followed by a binary operator, and a value

field binaryOperator value

or of a field name followed by a unary operator

field unaryOperator


Field may be any field name defined inside your config.

Our config for Snage has fields like issue, type and version. Have a look at it here: snage: ./snage.yaml.



Unary operators don't have a value.

operator description field type
absent field value is unset all field types
present field value is set all field types


Binary operators compare field values of a note with values provided in the query.

operator description field type
= equal or contains on list all field types
!= not equal or not contains on list all field types
> greater date, number, semver, ffversion
>= greater or equal date, number, semver, ffversion
< less date, number, semver, ffversion
<= less or equal date, number, semver, ffversion
~ string contains string
~~ string fuzzy search string
Version comparison

Fields with type semver or ffversion aren't compared literally, if only part of the version is specified but instead will be seen as range.

For fields with type semver the following rules apply:

  • semver = 1 is the same as semver >= 1.0.0 and semver < 2.0.0.
  • semver 1.2 is the same as semver >= 1.2.0 and semver < 1.3.0.
  • semver = 1.2.3 is compared literally.
  • semver > 1 is compared with minor and patch version implicitly set to 0 semver > 1.0.0.

For fields with type ffversion the following rules apply:

  • ffversion = 1 is the same as ffversion >= 1.0.0-0 and ffversion < 2.0.0-0.
  • ffversion = 1.2 is the same as ffversion >= 1.2.0-0 and ffversion < 1.3.0-0.
  • ffversion = 1.2.3 is the same as ffversion >= 1.2.3-0 and ffversion < 1.2.4-0.
  • ffversion = 1.2.3-10 is compared literally.
  • ffversion > 1 is compared with minor, patch and prerelease version implicitly set to 0 ffversion > 1.0.0-0.


The value depends on the field type. When you query a number field, you are only allowed to specify a number. Other values will result in a query parse error.


issue = 50
type = bugfix
date >= 2020-05-05
date absent
issue present

Complex Queries

Simple queries can be combined via logical and and logical or.

and requires both its left and right side to evaluate to true. or requires either its left or right side to evaluate to true.

issue = 5 and type = bugfix or type != bugfix


and takes precendence over or, meaning that in a query like

(type = bugfix and issue = 4) or (type = bugfix and issue = 5)

you can omit the parentheses and use

type = bugfix and issue = 4 or type = bugfix and issue = 5

instead. On the other hand parenthesis around or change the meaning of the query, e.g.

type = bugfix and (issue = 4 or issue = 5)

is a different from

type = bugfix and issue = 4 or issue = 5.


String values that contain spaces can be quoted with single or double quotes:

content ~ "throw error"